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Florists / Bouquets



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Make a Reservation


In order to ensure a confirmation for your reservation, it is recommended that you make your request at least 12-24 hours prior to your reservation time. The reservation is not confirmed unless you get an email back from the company. If you do not get an email confirmation back within 4 hours of the reservation time, it is recommended that you call the company to confirm. Great Kosher Weddings and the company are not responsible for reservations that are not able to be confirmed.

Wedding Registry

You can create a registry for any event and share with your family and friends!


Make sure you're prepared for your most special day.

Announcements & Galleries

Mazel Tov Channi & Moshe Scharf on your engagement!

Mazel Tov Rivky & Reuben Katz on your engagement!


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